Members' Testimonials of The New Horizons Camping Club
My First AGM at Matlock: "It’s 6am on a beautiful summer's morning and you’re making your way back from the shower block. Where else could you receive an invitation to come in for a pre-breakfast mug of tea with a complete stranger and find yourself two hours later sharing your travelling experiences with a fellow member from New Horizons? This was my fist AGM experience."
"On arrival I had been greeted, shown to my pitch and very quickly began to feel that the minor hesitation was left behind as I joined in the enthusiasm and laughter of my fellow companions. There was a feeling in the air that this was going to be a great weekend."
"I have been a caravanner for 40 plus years so when my husband passed last December I plucked up courage to join the ‘New Horizons Camping Club’.
After a day or two Ingrid (the Chairman) rang to introduce herself giving me more insight into the club and for me to download the year's programme.
A little apprehensive, I booked my first trip, a 7 night stay near Whitchurch in August. What a wonderful week I encountered, everyone was so welcoming from the minute I sited the van. Anyone wondering about the club, join and enjoy the company and friendships."
"Following the sudden death of my husband in October 2020, I was left wondering what on earth I was going to do with my life. I didn’t feel ready to spend weeks away completely alone. An internet search led me to the New Horizons group and I booked on to one of the meets. I’ll not pretend that everything was always easy – arriving on a site, feeling very uncertain and knowing no-one, and then finding that everyone else there knows each other extremely well, can be hard – but perseverance did pay off and the kindness and companionship of the other members made for a very enjoyable trip. I was certainly taken to places that I would never have found on my own.
Following my initial two weeks, I have enjoyed a further five weeks away with the group, each one easier than the last. I have met many varied and interesting people and even reached the stage where some people on the latest meet were people that I had met previously. I have also made a point of going to very different areas, some of which I knew well and were old favourites, and others were new to me – there is such a wide choice."
"The optional meet ups during the day offered opportunities to join others to Kendleston Hall, a National Trust property, a bus ride into Matlock or a walk to Cromford, a small village nearby with numerous attractions."
"There was a wonderful barbecue, buffet supper, evening dinner, entertainment, a team quiz, coffee and tea around the flagpole and a variety of impromptu activities. The committee worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the weekend."
"As a newcomer I didn’t feel the necessity to attach myself to any particular group as so happens as a single person. Everyone was so welcoming and the weekend was filled with fun and laughter."
"I was looking for a club where as a single camper I could feel relaxed, accepted and free to join in any group or to plan my own daily activities. I think I’ve found that club!"
"I enjoyed your company and had tremendous fun, which is what this club is all about."
"Thanks for making me feel welcome to the New Horizons CC."
"Looking forward to making more friends next year."
"My first meet was excellent and will certainly not be the last."
"First trip out with the Group which went so well, I put weight on."