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New Horizons Camping Club
Membership Application Form

Type of Unit

Annual Membership is £15.00 which includes Digital Programme/Newsletter that can be downloaded from our website and Facebook Page. It will also be sent out to you as an email via MailChimp.

If you join after 31st July, your membership will run through to 31st October the following year.

Membership Fee
Membership Renewal Fees
  1. I apply to join the NHCC and confirm that I live and camp alone.

  2. I understand that any information I give or receive regarding members of the Club is confidential, including the Membership Directory and SHOULD NOT be circulated or used for any other purpose than that of the Club.

  3. I understand that the Committee can terminate, suspend or refuse to renew my Membership.

  4. I agree to accept decisions taken by Committee meetings of the Club and to conform to the Club's Constitution and to that required by campsite operators in the interest of good camping and countryside considerations.

Data Protection Authorisation

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR 25 May 2018) we are now required to obtain your authorisation regarding personal information you provide to The New Horizons Camping Club (hereafter the NHCC) and its storage, processing and uses. This personal information you have supplied is used in the following ways:


  1. To store it securely for membership purposes

  2. To communicate with you as a New Horizons Camping Club Member

  3. To facilitate communications between members

  4. In addition, separate consent is requested to publish your name and county in the Members List, should we have one, posted on our password protected website.

Thank you for submitting your Registration Form.

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